Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely break and we are excited to welcome you to the NFWI Centenary Year! We have planned an exciting range of events for the coming year from millinery to street art, guerilla gardening and upcycling, we have something for everyone.
If you haven’t renewed already and are planning to, please arrive from 7.00pm with your completed application form (a downloadable copy was mailed to members in your last email) together with the membership fee of £36.00, payable by cash or cheque.
January Quiz
One of our most popular events, our January quiz returns! Hosted by the marvellous Quizmaster Peter Hillyard, this year will be a shorter format, which will give us more time to chat and catch up on your Christmas and New Year break.
Questions will be on a range of subjects, including general knowledge, entertainment and current affairs. There will also be one or two ‘feature’ rounds throw in for good measure
- When: Wednesday 14 January 2015 (please note this is the second Wednesday)
- Arrive: From 7pm ready to begin at 7.30pm
- Where: Upstairs at the East Dulwich Tavern
- Teams: No more than 6 people per team
- Guests: As always, guests are welcome to join our event! We simply ask that they wait until all members have signed in and we can then accept guests until we reach capacity. Cost for guests is £3
As always, drinks and a menu of snacks will be available to order at the bar. There will also be prizes for the winning teams!