Click Here for the Full Schedule of our 2018 Events

Details of Our Latest Events Can be Found Here


Meeting Dates

The East Dulwich WI hosts 12 meetings a year on the first Wednesday of the Month (except January which may be held on the second Wednesday)


Our usual meeting place is the East Dulwich Tavern although we sometimes meet at another local venue such as with previous events at Dulwich Croquet Club, the Rivoli Ballroom or out and about in the local area for historical walks or event guerilla gardening.

Please check the event information for details of the venue for that event.

The East Dulwich Tavern or “the EDT” as its locally known can be found at 1 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London, SE22 8EW. We meet in the Lodge Function room upstairs. The Lodge is accessed by a separate door and staircase to the right of the main pub entrance. The Lodge has its own bar which is available for the sole use of the Women’s Institute and the full food menu is available to order.




Guests are welcome at all events subject to available space

Joining us as a guest at one of our meetings is a great way to meet us and see how awesome our events are!

Guests are asked to pay a guest fee of £3.00 for each meeting they attend. Guests may attend 3 WI meetings per year – anyone wishing to attend more events are requested to join as a member.

An additional fee may be charged where materials have been provided for an event – this is most common for food/drink events and craft event and is not likely to be any more than £5.00 but please do enquire should you require further confirmation.

You do not need to know a current member in order to join us as a guest and there is no limit on the number of guests who may accompany members.

Whilst Gentlemen are not permitted to join the WI as members, they are more than welcome to join in at meetings as guests.

Whilst no prior warning is required to attend an event as a guest, it may be advisable to contact the committee to confirm your attendance in advance in order that sufficient materials can be ordered and space can be confirmed.

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