You’ll need to have registered to access the My WI Portal to access this guide – see our how to guide here. Do you remember our poetry event a few years ago? We had great fun learning how to write poems
My WI Floral Art Project – A Hand Tied Bouquet
If you haven’t already signed up to the My WI Portal, we recently posted a how to guide here. If you have then then great news! You can now check out this gorgeous project and maybe give it a go!
My WI Science Experiments – Not Just for Kids!
You’ll need to have registered to access the My WI Portal, we posted a how to guide here. Wow! The WI teamed up with the University of Bristol to produce a series of try-at-home experiments. Obviously these would be great
Have You Signed Up to My WI Yet? (And Did You Know One of Our Members is a Contributor?)
My WI My WI is a member’s only portal set up for members by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes. It includes recipes, craft projects, information about campaigns, gardening tips and is a mine of information about the wider WI.
National Member Competition – The Lady Denman Cup (Writing)
Do you fancy having a go at entering a National Federation competition? How about winning some book tokens and being published in WI Life? And a cup! Read on to find out how. Lady Denman Cup Deadline: 5 July 2018