‘Dorothy Hodgkin: A Life’ by Georgina Ferry
Monday 25 June – 7.30pm
Jaflong Tandoori, 42 East Dulwich Road
Dorothy Hodgkin (1910-1994) was renowned for her medically-important work on penicillin, vitamin B12 and insulin. Fully engaged with the political and social currents of her time, she participated in some of the greatest upheavals of the 20th century: women’s education; the globalisation of science; the rise and fall of communism; and international peace movements. A wife, mother and grandmother, she cared deeply about the wellbeing of individuals in all cultures.
Georgina Ferry’s biography of the only British female scientist to receive the Nobel Prize – Dorothy Hodgkin: A Life – was shortlisted for the Duff Cooper Prize and the Marsh Biography Award. Bloomsbury Reader 2014 edition is reissued with a new preface.
The East Dulwich WI Bookclub is currently open to new members – why not pop along next Tuesday to see whats involved?
You don’t need to have read the book to come along but you can get involved in the selection of the July book and get to know the group. The Bookclub is an excellent way to get to know a small group of WI members and now includes four of our Committee Members!
Details of the group are available on the Our Clubs page and details of our latest and previous books are available here
Watch this space for reviews and recommendations from Bookclub members
All the details of the club and upcoming events are below.
Looking forward to meeting you!
2018 Dates
From 7.30pm
Monday 25 June
Monday 23 July
Monday 20 August
Monday 24 September
Monday 29 October
Monday 26 November
Monday 10 or 17 December – TBC
About Bookclub
Importantly we’re not a scary intellectual Bookclub!
We read a wide range of different books including chick lit, biographies and other non-fiction, thrillers and the occasional classic. We do obviously chat about the books; what we liked, what we didn’t and sometimes segway into issues raised in the book. We don’t generally come armed with lists of high-brow questions! We also share recommendations of other books we’ve read and occasionally gather at someone’s house to watch a film or TV adaptation of something we’ve liked.
Overall we have a great time socialising and a bit of a discussion about the book. We all occasionally fail to actually read or finish the book but that’s no problem either, we still tend to turn up and find out what we’ve missed (or not as the case may be!) Most of all Book Club is a great opportunity to get to know a smaller, more intimate group of the East Dulwich WI.
How It Works
Each month one member brings a shortlist of books. We narrow down the books democratically using two round of voting. We generally select books at least 2 months in advance to give us ample opportunity to read them around our schedules.
Jaflong Tandoori
42 East Dulwich Road, London, SE22 9AX
There is absolutely no requirement to buy food or drink although most of us find we can’t resist the temptation! They do however cater easily for veggie, vegan and gluten free diets.
New Readers Welcome
For details please email Kirsten or Chloe.