We are getting quizzical on Wednesday 8 January for our annual quiz night, kindly arranged by Deborah and Kirsten, and hosted by our marvellous Quizmaster, Peter Hillyard.
Teams will be made up of no more than six people and questions will be on a range of subjects, including general knowledge, entertainment and current affairs.  There will also be one or two ‘feature’ rounds throw in for good measure.
Drinks will be available from the bar and and a menu of side orders will be available to order.  There will also be prizes for the winning teams!
If you are planning to renew your membership, please arrive from 7.00pm with your completed application form, a copy of which is attached, together with the membership fee of £34.70.  We will be starting the quiz promptly at 7.30pm.
Happy New Year!


EDWI: January 2014: Annual Quiz Night
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